Bylaws p. 4

3.03       Membership Meetings.

There shall be an annual in-person meeting of the members upon such date, time and place as the Executive Committee shall determine.  During the annual meeting, voting members shall have the right to vote on the following matters only:

·        Election of members in good standing to the Executive Committee

·        Approval of Bylaws of the Society, including any amendments thereto

·        Approval of such motions as may be brought before the membership by the Executive Committee and or by the Board of Directors.

3.04       Quorum and Voting. 

In recognition that the Society for the Study of Women Philosophers, Inc. is a national organization, and, in recognition that it may at some future date have international members, a quorum shall consist of 51% of the total members actually casting a vote either in person, by written proxy, or, by electronic voting on a motion via the Society’s website Members Only page. The Executive Committee shall determine the period of time during which member votes may be cast.

In recognition of the fact that from time to time the prudent conduct of the business of the Society may require a special or emergency meeting of its membership, such a meeting may be called by any member of the Executive Committee, any member of the Board of Directors or upon emailed request of 30% of the voting members. Furthermore, such a meeting may be an “electronic” meeting with motions communicated to members via their last known email address, provided that members are offered not less than two weeks to submit comments/discussion of said motion(s) prior to the deadline for voting on said motion(s).


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